CSIN GROUP CIC, are strongly opposed to slavery and human trafficking. We strive to act ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships
Community Social Inclusion Network along with Salford Alternative Independent Learning are strongly opposed to slavery and human trafficking. We strive to act ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our organisation or our supply chains. This statement provides some background to our organisation and our supply chains. It also sets out the steps that we have taken during the financial year ended 30 June 2018 to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place, either in our organisation or in our supply chains.
Joseph Barnwell Managing Director
Community Social Inclusion Network (Csin). is a community interest company registered in England and Wales. We have two trading subsidiaries that support our own activities (Salford Alternative Independent Learning) and (Armed Forces Unit 10.) This statement covers: Community Social Inclusion Network, Salford Alternative Independent Learning and Armed Forces Unit 10 along with our community support operations at the Swinton gatehouse Community Social Inclusion Network (Csin). exists to improve opportunities for everyone by helping communities to thrive. Community Social Inclusion Network (Csin). Is primarily a community inclusion network working to break down barriers to education and personal growth. We believe that everyone has the potential to develop, to change their lives, to be responsible and accountable for their actions. And be capable of meeting the demands made of them in order to deliver a life outside of their disability or disadvantage. charity, and our primary activities relate to and support our grant-making function. Our activities are overseen by our Board of Trustees who have ultimate responsibility for all that we do. Community Social Inclusion Network’s day-to-day management resides with the Senior Leadership Team which reports directly to the Board of Trustees.
We operate a number of policies and procedures which reflect our commitment to acting properly in all of our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls. They apply to all our employees and to anyone engaged on a temporary basis. Our key policies and procedures which contribute to minimising the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our organisation and our supply chain include our:
This policy is in place to help ensure that all of our staff and anyone that we fund is treated with both dignity and respect.
This policy is in place to help ensure we keep all our activities in line with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of governance (including in relation to slavery and human trafficking).
This policy is in place to help ensure the wellbeing of all our employees and anyone else who may be affected by our activities.
This policy is in place to check that all our staff have appropriate right to work documents and ensure that they are paid fairly and enjoy a competitive remuneration package. We have procedures in place to safeguard the interests of young people and any unpaid work experience volunteers working at Community Social Inclusion Network
This policy sets out a number of factors to be considered when selecting our suppliers, including whether the supplier will be a good business partner for Community Social Inclusion Network. This in turn involves considerations of supplier reputation and compliance with laws and ethical procedures.
our template agreements and standard terms and conditions require suppliers to comply with the law (including in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking).
which reminds our people to take account of any improper or suspicious behaviour or situations, and to report and deal with the risk of fraud and corruption.
which provides guidance on how to report suspected dangers or wrongdoing in the workplace.
Our policies are monitored by a relevant policy owner within our organisation and reviewed at least every three years. We will continue to review our policies to ensure that they are effective and appropriate.
In particular, our procurement team continues to review and strengthen our centralised procurement processes and policy, taking into account a range of risks, including slavery and human trafficking.
Joe Barnwell C.E.O and Founder
January 16th 2016